Objectives of Constitution in Indian Context A movement to propagate the ideals and values of the Indian Constitution
- To propagate the ideals and values of the Indian Constitution.
- To facilitate the practice of the ideals and values of the Indian Constitution in all spheres of life, both public and private,
- including that of individuals.
- To further the objectives and goals of the constitutionalism, unity in diversity, social justice and substantive equality.
- To introduce and implement Constitutional Governance according to the ideals and principles of the Indian Constitution both in public and private sector, including , all realms of personal , social economic and public life.
- To uphold and live by the values of Secularism, Democracy, Socialism, Republicanism and Responsible Independence by which people would secure to themselves and others:
- Justice: social, economic and political,
- Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
- Equality of status and opportunity, and would promote among all
- Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and unity and integrity of the Nations, groups, and societies.
- To endeavor that the human rights declared by the Indian Constitution as fundamental rights shall be respected and enforced even in the non-governmental and non-state institutions and spheres, including, individuals, families, groups and corporate bodies.
- To educate ourselves and others about the fundamental duties (part IV A of the Constitution) and see that they are respected and complied with.
- To educate and enforce that it shall be morally binding on all persons and groups to have the ideals, values and principles contained in Part IV of the Constitution of India titled as Directive Principles of State Policy as their guidelines and objectives in all spheres of activities.
- To provide legal aid and services to the poor and needy especially those groups classified by the Indian Constitution and/or entitled to special provisions and treatment and to submit and prosecute Public Interest Litigation.
- To work towards a gender just society considering the dignity of the person as per the Constitutional vision
SOCIALISM<===> समाजवाद
SECULAR<===> धर्मनिरपेक्ष
DEMOCRACY<===> लोकतंत्र/ जनतंत्र/प्रजातंत्र
JUSTICE<===> न्याय
REPUBLIC<===> लोकतन्त्र
LIBERTY<===> आजादी
EQUALITY<===> समानता
Dignity of the individual <===>व्यक्ति की गरिमा
FRATERNITY<===> बन्धुत्व/भाईचारा
Unity and integrity of the Nation <===>राष्ट्र की एकता और अखंडता
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