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Election Result New Delhi Arvind Kejriwal defeated Sheila Dikshit by 22000 votes

Posted by GovtNic

Election Result New Delhi Arvind Kejriwal defeated Sheila Dikshit by 22000 votes 

New Delhi: In a mega clash of politics, political novice Arvind Kejriwal has defeated three times Prime Minister Sheila Dikshit in New Delhi his constituency by 22,000 votes. Your One - year - old Aam Aadmi Party made ​​a spectacular electoral debut winning 27 of the 70 seats in New Delhi , just six fewer than the BJP , which is at the top .

" Who won the election ? Common man ... Is the aam aadmi ," Kejriwal said this afternoon a crowd of jubilant supporters, who recorded many hours waving the party symbol , the broom. "We have shown the political will not be held hostage to more corruption or communalism . If the old parties do not recognize this , the public has shown it can make them redundant ," said former tax inspector .

Voters rejected mercilessly Ms. Dikshit and his party, allowing Congress corresponds to less than 10 seats . The BJP with 33 seats needs three more to form the government . Mr Kejriwal is emphatic that will not align with either the Congress or the BJP.

Throughout his campaign in New Delhi, the Congress and the BJP made ​​the tactical error of gross underestimate the ability of Mr. Kejriwal to mobilize public support .

An army of volunteers meticulously organized and scattered throughout the city , with the promise that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP ) would shake up and clean a manipulated by agents of power system. They raised 20 million rupees through small donations - with supporters listed on the website of the game.

" We did not expect a newcomer without a clear agenda to have this kind of impact ," admitted the BJP Chandan Mitra .

Mr Kejriwal Critics say the economic policies of the AAP are not robust and that its kinetic energy can not support up to national elections scheduled for May.

Mr Kejriwal formed the AAP he split with his partner Anna Hazare once . In 2011 , the middle class of India invigorate a movement to demand the introduction of new anti-corruption Lokpal Act .

After a strong launch , the campaign dissipated , Mr. Kejriwal said he had no choice but to enter politics, a movement Anna refused to support .

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