Forward Markets Commission (FMC) Recruitment 2014/15 for Chairman Post : Forward Markets Commission (FMC) is a statutory body set up in 1953 under the Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1952 with its Headquarters in Mumbai. It is a regulatory authority under the Department of Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. It is responsible for regulating commodity derivatives in future markets in India.
Designation of the Post -Chairman, Forward Markets Commission, Mumbai.
Level and pay of the post -Secretary to the G.o.l. and Pay- Rs. Rs. 80,000/-(fixed) p.m .
Tenure of the deputation: Chairman of the Commission shall hold office for a period of three years from the date of his appointment, and a Chairman relinquishing his office on the expiry of his term shall be eligible for re-appointment or as may be decided by the competent authority or till he attains the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
Statutory requirement of the post: The candidate desirous to be appointed as Chairman should be a person of ability, integrity and standing who have shown capacity in dealing with problems relating to commerce or commodity markets or law or in administration or who have special knowledge or practical experience in any matter which renders them suitable for appointment on the Commission. No person shall be qualified for appointment as, or for continuing to be, a Chairman of the Commission, if he has, directly or indirectly, any such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as a Chairman of the Commission.
Educational Qualifications and Experience: The Educational Qualifications and Experience required for the post are as under:-
Essential:- Master Degree in Economics/ Commerce/Public Admin /Public Policy/ Finance/Law/ Statistics from a recognized University or equivalent.
Experience:More than 25 years of professional experience in the field of Financial Markets/Commodity Markets/Law or related fields.
Desirable: Ph. D in Economics or Commerce or Finance or Statistics or Law or related fields.
Selection Procedure: The selection will be made by a Search-cum-Selection Committee duly constituted by the Department of Economic Affairs. The Selection Committee shall have the right to short list the candidates for the post on the basis of the experience, qualifications, etc. of the candidates and call for personal discussion only the short listed candidates. The selection procedure shall be as per Circulars/Instructions issued in the matter from time to time by the Central Government including Consolidated guidelines
issued vide DOP&T's O.M No. AB-14017/2/01-Estt(RR) dated 29th February 2008.
How to apply: Applications may kindly be forwarded through proper channel in respect of serving officials, in the proforma duly completed with up-to-date ACR Dossiers of the last 5 years duly attested, cadre clearance, vigilance clearance, integrity certificate and details of major/minor penalty imposed during the last ten years, if any, to the Under Secretary (CD),Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Room No. 49-A, North Block, New Delhi-110001 within 45 days from the date of publication of the Advertisement in this regard in the Employment News. The crucial date of eligibility will be the date of this advertisement in the Employment News. Non-serving applicants may send theirapplications in the proforma along with attested documents as proof for age, qualifications and experience. They should also furnish two references of persons of repute who may be contacted by the Government for verification/confirmation.
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Designation of the Post -Chairman, Forward Markets Commission, Mumbai.
Level and pay of the post -Secretary to the G.o.l. and Pay- Rs. Rs. 80,000/-(fixed) p.m .
Tenure of the deputation: Chairman of the Commission shall hold office for a period of three years from the date of his appointment, and a Chairman relinquishing his office on the expiry of his term shall be eligible for re-appointment or as may be decided by the competent authority or till he attains the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
Statutory requirement of the post: The candidate desirous to be appointed as Chairman should be a person of ability, integrity and standing who have shown capacity in dealing with problems relating to commerce or commodity markets or law or in administration or who have special knowledge or practical experience in any matter which renders them suitable for appointment on the Commission. No person shall be qualified for appointment as, or for continuing to be, a Chairman of the Commission, if he has, directly or indirectly, any such financial or other interest as is likely to affect prejudicially his functions as a Chairman of the Commission.
Educational Qualifications and Experience: The Educational Qualifications and Experience required for the post are as under:-
Essential:- Master Degree in Economics/ Commerce/Public Admin /Public Policy/ Finance/Law/ Statistics from a recognized University or equivalent.
Experience:More than 25 years of professional experience in the field of Financial Markets/Commodity Markets/Law or related fields.
Desirable: Ph. D in Economics or Commerce or Finance or Statistics or Law or related fields.
Selection Procedure: The selection will be made by a Search-cum-Selection Committee duly constituted by the Department of Economic Affairs. The Selection Committee shall have the right to short list the candidates for the post on the basis of the experience, qualifications, etc. of the candidates and call for personal discussion only the short listed candidates. The selection procedure shall be as per Circulars/Instructions issued in the matter from time to time by the Central Government including Consolidated guidelines
issued vide DOP&T's O.M No. AB-14017/2/01-Estt(RR) dated 29th February 2008.
How to apply: Applications may kindly be forwarded through proper channel in respect of serving officials, in the proforma duly completed with up-to-date ACR Dossiers of the last 5 years duly attested, cadre clearance, vigilance clearance, integrity certificate and details of major/minor penalty imposed during the last ten years, if any, to the Under Secretary (CD),Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Room No. 49-A, North Block, New Delhi-110001 within 45 days from the date of publication of the Advertisement in this regard in the Employment News. The crucial date of eligibility will be the date of this advertisement in the Employment News. Non-serving applicants may send theirapplications in the proforma along with attested documents as proof for age, qualifications and experience. They should also furnish two references of persons of repute who may be contacted by the Government for verification/confirmation.
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