XVII National Conference at NDRI, Karnal during 27-28 Nov. 2013
Letter of Invitation
Brochure of XVII National Conference XVI National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians (NCARS), IASRI, New Delhi (December 23-24, 2010)
Letter for action taken report on the recommendations of XVI NCARS
Proceedings of XVI NCARS
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Subject: Regarding XVII National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians to be held
at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal during November 27-28, 2013.
Dear Sir/Madam
You will be glad to know that the Seventeenth National Conference of Agricultural Research
Statisticians of ICAR Institutes, Project Directorates and Agricultural Universities of the country will be organized at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal during November 27-28, 2013.
The theme of the conference is National Priorities in Agricultural Statistics and Informatics. The
deliberations in the conference would be on the formulation of appropriate research studies in different fields of Agricultural Statistics and Informatics. Following technical sessions will be organized during the conference.
Besides above sessions, a session on action taken on the recommendations made during the last conference (XVI) and one on presentation of reports by conveners of different sessions and summary of recommendations would also be held. The details are given in the enclosed brochure.
Normally there would be four to five invited speakers in every session and 1-2 discussants. However, participants desirous of making their contributions to the various sessions are welcome to express their views by submitting a request to respective Conveners or Organizing Secretary along with a brief
statement of their views so that the same can properly be placed during the discussions.
Kindly nominate the scientists/faculty from your organization to participate in this conference. You are also requested to forward this mail to all your colleagues for information. The nominees for the conference may be requested to confirm their participation by sending the registration fee along with Dr. Seema Jaggi Dr. Ravinder Malhotra
Organizing Secretary Local Organizing Secretary
IASRI, Library Avenue NDRI, Karnal,
Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012 HARYANA – 132 001
Ph.: 011-25847122-24/ 4141 (O) Ph.: 0091-184-2259172 (office)
09873169418 (M) 09896328704 (M)
Fax: 011-25841564 Fax: 0184 -2252637
E-mail: seema@iasri.res.in, E-mail: rmal1962@rediffmail.com
seema.iasri@outlook.com ravindermalhotra1962@gmail.com
Please also find enclosed the proceedings of XVI National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians held at Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI), New Delhi during December 23-24, 2010. In this regard, you are requested to send the action taken report with respect to your Institution/Organization on the recommendations made in the Conference to director@iasri.res.in
or pme@iasri.res.in. The action taken on the recommendations are to be discussed in the XVII National
Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians at Karnal. It is requested that the action taken report may be sent to us by 5th November 2013.
Letter of Invitation
Brochure of XVII National Conference XVI National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians (NCARS), IASRI, New Delhi (December 23-24, 2010)
Letter for action taken report on the recommendations of XVI NCARS
Proceedings of XVI NCARS
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Subject: Regarding XVII National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians to be held
at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal during November 27-28, 2013.
Dear Sir/Madam
You will be glad to know that the Seventeenth National Conference of Agricultural Research
Statisticians of ICAR Institutes, Project Directorates and Agricultural Universities of the country will be organized at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal during November 27-28, 2013.
The theme of the conference is National Priorities in Agricultural Statistics and Informatics. The
deliberations in the conference would be on the formulation of appropriate research studies in different fields of Agricultural Statistics and Informatics. Following technical sessions will be organized during the conference.
Besides above sessions, a session on action taken on the recommendations made during the last conference (XVI) and one on presentation of reports by conveners of different sessions and summary of recommendations would also be held. The details are given in the enclosed brochure.
Normally there would be four to five invited speakers in every session and 1-2 discussants. However, participants desirous of making their contributions to the various sessions are welcome to express their views by submitting a request to respective Conveners or Organizing Secretary along with a brief
statement of their views so that the same can properly be placed during the discussions.
Kindly nominate the scientists/faculty from your organization to participate in this conference. You are also requested to forward this mail to all your colleagues for information. The nominees for the conference may be requested to confirm their participation by sending the registration fee along with Dr. Seema Jaggi Dr. Ravinder Malhotra
Organizing Secretary Local Organizing Secretary
IASRI, Library Avenue NDRI, Karnal,
Pusa, New Delhi – 110 012 HARYANA – 132 001
Ph.: 011-25847122-24/ 4141 (O) Ph.: 0091-184-2259172 (office)
09873169418 (M) 09896328704 (M)
Fax: 011-25841564 Fax: 0184 -2252637
E-mail: seema@iasri.res.in, E-mail: rmal1962@rediffmail.com
seema.iasri@outlook.com ravindermalhotra1962@gmail.com
Please also find enclosed the proceedings of XVI National Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians held at Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI), New Delhi during December 23-24, 2010. In this regard, you are requested to send the action taken report with respect to your Institution/Organization on the recommendations made in the Conference to director@iasri.res.in
or pme@iasri.res.in. The action taken on the recommendations are to be discussed in the XVII National
Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians at Karnal. It is requested that the action taken report may be sent to us by 5th November 2013.
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